Saturday, April 16, 2011

Farmville Sheep Breeding: How to Breed Popping Colors Sheep

You may have heard rumors about a strange new type of sheep with popping colors.  In fact, you may have already seen these beauties on your neighbor's farms or even be lucky enough to have one already.  In any of these cases, you will wish to learn more about all the different type of Poppers and how to breed them.

Popping Colors Sheep Basics:
A Popping Colors sheep has gained this name due to its appearance of the colors popping out at you.  This effect is best demonstrated in the Star or Dots pattern since it is the stars or dots that flash.  In essence, the Popping Colors sheep are just sheep that have the flashing on the secondary color rather than the base color.  In a Flashing Sheep, you will see the flashing in the base color which is the color around the stars.  Here is a breakdown of the different types of Poppers that you will encounter and that you may wish to collect.

Types of Popping Colors Sheep:

Popping Colors: This is the Basic Popper that has the stars or dots flashing continuously.  In this instance, the base color (the color around the stars) can be any color.

Flashing Poppers: This type of Popper has stars that flash different colors while the base color also flashes different colors.  This is a very neat looking effect.

Electric Poppers: In this type of Popper, you will see the stars or dots flashing different colors at all times.  However, in the Electric feature, the electric lines come on at different time intervals.  So when all the rest of your Electric sheep light up, you will see that your Electric Popper also lights up.  So in addition to flashing stars or dots, you will see electric lines lighting up in all different colors around the stars.  In my opinion, this is the most fascinating type of Popper.

Split Color Poppers: These Poppers can be a sheep that is split in color through the middle with flashing stars or dots, or it could be a Split Color Flashing Popper.  This would mean that both of the split base colors will flash while the stars flash different colors.  That will make three different parts of the sheep flashing different colors at once.

Changing Mask Poppers:  These types of Poppers are Masked sheep but instead of the mask remaining one color, the mask will flash different colors while the stars or dots flash colors as well.  This feature can be combined with the Flashing, Popping, and Electric features resulting in a very crazy tweaked out sheep.

Though it is not clear to me whether these different features can be combined through breeding, it is a certainty that if one of your friends has different types of combination Poppers, they will be able to breed that sheep and share the Popping Colors features as well as the other features that it can be combined with.

How to Breed Popping Colors Sheep:
So in order to start breeding Poppers, you will have to ask one of your friends to send you a Popper lamb.  If you want certain features such as a Flashing Popper or a Changing Mask Popper, be sure to be specific when asking what type of Popper you would like.  Secondly, be sure to ask your friend for a girl lamb since Popping Colors like all other special features is coded like a color which means the Ewe is the one to pass it on.  If you can only get a Ram, you may still be able to breed the features, but it will take longer and more tries.

1. Once you have your Popping Colors Sheep, place her in your sheep pen along with a Ram that has the design that you would like to be on its offspring.  So if you want Popping Stars, breed your Popper with a Star design Ram.

2. Additionally, you will want to choose a Ram that has no special features.  Though you may want to experiment later, choosing a featureless Ram (no flashing or mask) will give you better chances of having the Popping feature selected in the lamb.

3. Next, you will want to select the Ewe first and then the Ram when breeding.  Doing this will favor the Ewe's Popping Colors feature and the Ram's design.

4. Finally, if you received a Ram from your friend instead of an Ewe, you will want to select the Ram first until you succeed in getting the Popping feature in a girl lamb.  Selecting the Ram first will favor the Ram's Popping feature.  Once you are able to make a Popping Colors Ewe, you should switch to using the Ewe instead of the Ram in order to make breeding easier.
I hope that this guide will help you have a better understanding of the different types of Poppers and how best to breed them.  Once you have both a Ram and an Ewe, have fun mixing and matching and creating all the new and fascinating types of Popping Colors sheep.

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Changes to Farmville Sheep Breeding
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How to Breed an Electric Sheep
Farmville Sheep Breeding: Changing Star and Dot Colors 
How to Breed a Flashing Sheep

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