Farmville Addiction

From a self professed "former" Farmville addict:

There is no doubt that Farmville is an awesome game, but it is also very addictive.  Like any addiction, it has the power to negatively effect your health, finances and relationships.  If you have had trouble trying to quit Farmville, please consider my advise on this matter.  I was addicted to Farmville for over two years and was able to "un-addict" myself within a short period of time.  Though I did not quit cold turkey, I was able to pass the Farmville addiction test and therefore knew my life no longer revolved around the game.  Although, I'd love to add new content to this blog, I haven't played in a while and don't plan on returning. 

So, take the first step by taking the Farmville Addiction test.  You might be surprised by your results.