Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Farmville Orchard Tips: Step-up Production of New English Countryside Trees

For those of us who were well on your way to Orchard and Tree Harvesting Superstardom, we have plenty of reasons to be disappointed with the new trend in Farmville Trees.  Since the launching of the English Countryside, all of the new trees have only been available for purchase and placement in the English Countryside.  This means that if you had a plethora of orchards lined up on your home farm, none of these orchards can help you speed up the process of getting seedlings for the new types of trees.  The fact that these new trees can only be purchased in the English Countryside means that you must start from scratch with your orchards and wait much longer to get one of those precious seedlings with the level 2 tree. 

The result of this change has been a major setback in new tree production across the board. With all of the things we must build on our new farm as well as seasonal item requests and the demand for bottles to feed lambs, our neighbors are sending less and less building materials.  This makes it even more difficult to build just a handful of orchards to give you better chances of getting a seedling for your new trees. Since people don’t generally have the parts for mass orchard construction, it has become a rarity to see a new tree posted to your news feed.  However, frustrating this is, I am here let you know that you do not have to fret over this change.  Once you get past the initial stage of acquiring a new tree seedling, you will be able to grow that seedling and multiply the new tree just as you did before.  If you haven’t already figured out how to do this, here is how.

1.     Build as many orchards as you can manage on your new farm and keep building as you get materials.  The lack of orchards may put you back four to six days before you are able to get a seedling.  That is why it is important to keep building.

2.     Keep one new tree in each orchard.  I'm not sure how this works yet, but I heard the FV is allowing us to have both farms progress at the same time.  Make sure that it is on this setting or stay in the English Countryside when you are away from you computer.

3.     When the trees are ready, harvest one, then remove the tree and place it in the next ready orchard.  Harvest the next orchard and move both to the next orchard.  Keep moving all the trees until you get to the last orchard.  This is not the best method of getting a seedling, but with limited numbers of orchards, increasing the number of trees will at least increase your chances of getting a seedling.  Make sure you have at least three of the new trees; though four or five would be and ideal minimum.

4.     Once you get a seedling, keep it in your gift box. Keep moving trees until the all of your ready orchards have been harvested.  Depending on how many orchards you are able to build, you may get a small handful of seedlings.  I got two seedlings yesterday with only five ready orchards and seven new trees once I got to the final orchard.

5.     Now that you have these seedlings, return to your home farm.  Grow the seedlings on your home farm and place the level 2 trees one of your orchards.

6.     Follow the steps for producing 100% new trees from seedlings.  In short, move the new trees two to three at a time from ready orchard to ready orchard.  You will have little to no luck if only moving one tree.  Each orchard should have one newish tree in it to make it ready.  When moving the new trees, alternate numbers of trees for better chances of getting a seedling.

7.     Lastly, if you are on your English Countryside farm, breeding sheep be sure to return to your home farm so that your orchards will grow.  If you leave when you are on your new farm, no progress will be made on your old farm.  However, FV has a new setting to let both farms progress at the same time.  Be sure to have it on that setting.

The little known fact that you are able to transfer these level 2 English Countryside trees over to your home farm is the key to mass, producing them.  Once you have a handful of seedlings in your home farm, keep doing the same thing and keep spreading the new trees to your neighbors.  Furthermore, if you are lucky enough to adopt one of the new trees off your feed, just make sure to put it on your home farm where you have your orchards built up and can multiply it much more efficiently than you can on your English Countryside.  I hope that all of you avid tree harvesters will start using this method and I look forward to seeing new tree posts return to the game once again.

Brain Fuel: 199 Mind-Expanding Inquiries into the Science of Everyday Life

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