Monday, April 4, 2011

Farmville Sheep Breeding Patterns

The rules in this article no longer apply.  For the new sheep breeding patterns, refer to New Farmville Sheep Breeding Patterns  - added May/2011.
As Farmville’s sheep breeding is still in its infancy, it is not surprising that there are still a lot of unanswered questions about how it works.  Some of the most common questions are how to get different sheep designs, how to determine new sheep colors, and how to get new lamb colors.  Though I am unaware of the origins of sheep designs such as Stars, Belted, and Camo, these designs can generally be obtained by asking your neighbors for a ram with this design.  However, with respect to color, I have been able to identify patterns in how the different sheep designs interact with each other while breeding.  I have also discovered which colors will result after coupling different designs of sheep.  Here is a breakdown of these patterns:

Design and Color Basics
The design is determined by the design of the Ram
The base color is determined by the base color of the Ewe
The second and third color is determined by the second and third color of the Ram
Lamb color corresponds to the base color of the Ewe and will be the base color of the resulting Sheep.
Example1: Ewe base color =red/Lamb = red/Resulting Sheep base color=red
Here you see a reddish color lamb (will make a flashing sheep)
This is the reddish sheep (flashing). Notice the base color is red like the lamb.

Example Key
1.     = base color
2.     = secondary color
3.     = third color

Example2: 1-White 2-Green Camo Ram + 1-Red 2-Purple Camo Ewe = Red lamb = 1-Red 2-Green Camo Sheep

Note: The ram’s secondary color is Green so green becomes the secondary color of the resulting sheep.
Example3: (Polka dot color is secondary) 1-White 2-Purple Polka dot Ram+ 1-Black 2-Green Ewe = black lamb = 1-Black 2-Purple Polka dot Sheep

Note: Notice the Polka dot design is selected since the Ram is a Polka dot design.  This is the most frequent result when selecting the Ewe first in breeding; however, it is possible to get the design of the Ewe if try several times using and select the Ram first when breeding.

Creating a Mutation in Base or Lamb Color
You can produce a new lamb color by matching two different designs of multi-color sheep, which are very different colors from each other.  Often a new color of lamb will appear from such a union.  This is not an exact science since you do not know what the new base color will be until you see the lamb color.
Though there are likely plenty of other rules that apply to sheep breeding, these are some that you can start using right away in order to make your desired colors of sheep.
Note: The tests used for discovering these patterns were done by selecting the Ewe for breeding first and then the Ram.  Selecting the Ram first may switch up the color and pattern rules at times. Furthermore, be aware that there will always be exceptions that are not listed here and Zynga will often changes how things work.

You may also be interested in:

How to Get Your Second Sheep Pen

Farmville Sheep Breeding: How to Get Rare Designs and Colors 

Farmville Sheep Breeding: Changing Star and Dot Colors 

How to Breed a Flashing Sheep 

Farmville Orchard Tips: Step-up Production of New English Countryside Trees 

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