Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Level Up in Farmville

Howdy Farmers, I’m here to tell you to put down those plows and hoes and instead expand your stable and dairies to the max.  If you want to level up quickly in Farmville, farming is not the answer, gaining coins and XP is.  It is true that there are a variety of methods to gain XP in Farmville.  Farmers can plant and harvest crops, visit their neighbor’s farms and join co-ops; however, all of these activities will take up a lot of your time and give you a very small amount of coins and XP in return. 
When I started Farmville, the fastest way to level up was with berries.  However, now that there are stables and dairies, you no longer need to plant a thing.  Stables and dairies can easily be turned into coin generators and as you may already know, buying large items from the market will give you a lot of XP.  The following is a step-by-step method for setting up your farm for maximum coin and XP generation. 

1.     If you are below level 75, start out by expanding your stable and all five dairies to their maximum capacity.  Once you have done this, fill them up completely with cows and horses.
2.     Be sure to pay attention to how many coins each cow yields.  If you can only fill your dairies with regular cows at first, this is fine.  However, try to buy or obtain as many cows as possible that give more coins per harvest.  If you are at a lower level, the highest yielding cows are presently pink cows, which harvest for 84 coins each.  Keep replacing regular cows with higher yielding cows.
3.     Once you’re animal houses are full, start building a collection of seeder cows and horses.  Any type of cow or horse can be used since breeding is not your main objective.  Collect as many of them as possible and line them up outside your dairies and stable.

Stables: Assure your stable has room for one horse to be added.  Once your seeder horses reach 34% ready, they can be moved into the stable to make it 100% ready. Once you have moved one seeder horse into your stable and made it ready, click harvest and wait to see what you get.  If you get only coins, that is fine since you just gained 2 to 4 thousand coins with one click.  If you do not have a stallion in your stable, you will have a chance of getting a 100XP star.  Since you always have a better chance of getting the XP without a stallion in your stable, it is best to leave the stallion out.  Remove the seeder horse and repeat this step over and over.  You should gain plenty of coins and XP every time you do this.  Plus, you will have plenty of XP stars; farm hands and tree help to share with your neighbors.

Dairies work in much the same way but are not as effective for coin generation until you reach level 75, since this is when you can buy the belted cow.  Once you can buy belted cows, you can generate coins in the millions and use them to level up multiple times within minutes.  The reason this is possible is because belted cows harvest for 3000 coins each.  Furthermore, since belted cows cost 1 million coins each, you will gain 10,000 XP every time you buy them.  If you save up millions of coins, you can buy multiple belted cows and achieve one level after another in rapid succession. 
To get started, buy as many belted cows as you can.  If you are not able to afford many in the beginning, buy one and soon enough, the income generated from that cow will help you buy another.  Place all of your belted cows in one dairy.  With dairies, the seeder cow must be at 100% before it will make the dairy 100% ready.  Once your seeder cows are ready, use the hand mover to pick up a cow and place it in the dairy with the belted cows in it.  The dairy will become ready.  Click to harvest the dairy and then remove the cow.  Do this until all of your seeder cows are used up.  Once you have generated enough coins, buy more belted cows. Keep adding belted cows until you completely fill up your dairies.  Presently, my daily animal revenue is 1 million coins, which means that I can buy a new belted cow every day.

Overall, compared to the tediousness of planting and harvesting crops, I am confident you will find tending your stable and your dairies to be the fastest and easiest way to level up.

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  2. Julia, You may have something wrong in your fv acct. The best thing is to contact Zynga about the issue. Whenever something is wrong, they are usually good about fixing it. Hope that helps :)
